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Meet Josh Knaak: Passionate Public Policy Professional 

We caught up with our associate Josh Knaak to learn what drives him, his experiences on Capitol Hill and on the campaign trail, and why he is valuable to our clients.  

What inspired you to get involved in politics and public policy?  

I first became involved in politics after several of my friends and family were the victims of crime. This inspired me to get involved in local politics. I realized that I enjoyed working to find solutions to problems, and politics and public policy provided me a way to be a part of the solution.  

What drew you to Chamber Hill Strategies? What are you most looking forward to in your new role? 

I heard about Chamber Hill Strategies from various colleagues on Capitol Hill who told me great things about the firm, including the daily newsletter PolicyCrush, and Jennifer Bell’s positive reputation.  I also knew that Chamber Hill Strategies is a leading health care-focused lobbying firm and I wanted to be part of continuing to build on that legacy.   I’m excited to dive deeper into health care policy and use my working knowledge of the legislative process and current Congressional players to serve the needs of our clients.  

What has your day-to-day schedule looked like so far as an Associate at Chamber Hill Strategies? 

One of my main responsibilities right now is to produce PolicyCrush, our daily news service that gives readers an at-a-glance resource of the most important announcements in health care.  It’s a thrill to create something that thousands of readers around the country rely on – including readers in the federal government. I use a high-refined curation to cull through what’s important and what’s not important for our readers to know about the public and private sectors.  We cover Congress and the Administration. Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, health tech, quality and innovation.  It’s a lot of ground to cover and the rapid pace of information keeps me and our dedicated subscriber base on our toes!  

Can you share more about your experience on Capitol Hill? What lessons did you learn there that will help you succeed at Chamber Hill?  

My experience on the Hill featured work in both the House and Senate. I gained experience tracking legislation, meeting with lawmakers from both chambers of Congress, developing voting recommendations, formulating memorandums for legislative staff, and assembling committee binders. I always love learning new things and my experience on the Hill taught me a lot about how Congress operates, the legislative process, and the importance of interpersonal relationships. These are all important areas to learn about for anyone who wants to make a difference in public policy. I can apply my knowledge about Congress and the legislative process to help me communicate with clients about what is going on in Washington. I can also utilize the relationships I cultivated during my time on the Hill to advance the interests of our clients. 

Do you have a particular experience from your time on the Hill that sticks out to you?  

One experience I won’t forget happened during my tenure with Senator Cassidy’s (R-LA) office. Sen. Cassidy is a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. So, while I was with his office, I took the opportunity to meet with other Senators of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. I enjoyed talking with them about their ideas to improve the quality of life for our Veterans. 

What specific areas of health care interest you? 

I am interested in learning how I can help Veterans who have fought in the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq are still facing health issues. Many of the Veterans who fought in these  wars are struggling to get access to the health care they need. I am also interested in the cost of prescription drugs.  

Is there anything else you think clients or prospective clients should know about you?  

Not only am I diligent and responsive, but I’m also an energic person who knows his way around Capitol Hill.   

If you would like to learn more about how Josh and the rest of the Chamber Hill Strategies team can help meet your advocacy needs, please contact us. 

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